Indian visas are available from Indian Consular Offices around the world, on payment of a visa fee is around $10. Application for multiple and single entry visas are accepted. Indian visas are necessary for all foreigners visiting India. 
There are several kinds of visas including Entry Visa, Tourist Visa, Business Visa, Long Term Visa ( up to 5 yrs with multiple entry facilities) etc. are available for foreign tourists in groups. 

Tourists are not allowed to bring Indian Currency into the country. Unlimited amounts of foreign currency or travelers cheques are allowed  into the country but an amount over 1000$ should be declared on arrival and a certificate obtained from Customs. 
All money should be changed at official banks or at official money changers.The tourist receives a currency exchange form  for each transection. These forms are important as they may be required for re-exchange while leaving the India, for certain official purchases such as airline tickets, for visa renewal and for obtaining income tax clearance. 
Most branches of State bank of India and all major nationalized banks have special foreign exchange counters. Credit cards ( like Diners, American Express and Visa Card among others ) are now widely accepted in India.
  Customs Formalities And Regulations
The usual duty free regulations of one bottle of whisky, i.e.950 ml or less and 200 cigarettes apply for India. If the tourist brings in more than $1000 in cash or in travelers cheques, it must be declared by completion of a currency declaration form. 
While small items like perfumes, cosmetics etc. are allowed into the country, larger items like video camreas are likelyto be entered on a 'Tourist Baggage Reexporrt' form to ensure that the article is taken away on Departure. The TBRE form should be resubmitted on Departure. 
A tourist can clear goods up to Rs.2,400? in value duty free.Goods brought in excess of this are chargeable to duty as per Prevailing law.

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Special Permits can be obtained if specifically asked for while applying for a Visa or they may be obtained after arrival in India. The FRROs ( Foreigners Regional registration offices) in Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta and the chief Immigration officer in Chennai can issue the same as well as group permits. The permit is  valid for maximum period of 15 days only. Permits must be applied for at least two weeks in advance for group tourists. 
Permits are required for the following places. 
1.North Eastern Frontiers 
2. Andaman Islands
VISA Information
Tourists visas are available for maximum period of 180 days. No charges are levied for visa extension within the maximum period of 180 days.Identical passport photographs are required. 
However in case of extension beyond 180 days, which is allowed in exceptional cases, an extension fees of Rs. 100 for U.S. citizens and Rs. 200 for UK citizens is charged. 

Tourists from other countries are advised to check current applicable visa fees/visa extension fees with Goverement of India Tourist Offices or Indian Consular Offices located in their respective countries.

VISA Extension
Special Permit
Currency Regulation
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